Monday, September 22, 2008

From Scott

As an American citizen I feel discriminated againist. I am a hard working tax paying citizen. I REFUSE to support a day labor center for workers who have entered my country illegally. They have the privelidge of working in MY country tax free. They are a burden to our society, as thier children are born in our hospitals, their families recieve free medical care, free meals in our schools, are not expected to speak our NATIONAL language ENGLISH, and have thier food and housing paid for through my hard work. The majority of these illegals do not appreciate the what our country has done for them and send some of the tax free money that they earn back home to thier families in their home land. I AM OUTRAGED that we grant these people special rights! As far as the jobs they do, I know a lot of AMERICAN CITEZENS that would pick our apples and berries and do the jobs which are thought to be only jobs illegal immagrants would do.

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