Monday, September 22, 2008

From Scott

To the city counsel,
I as a 50 year citizen of Portland. I was very proud of my city for almost all of these years. And still am in many ways. We are a fine city.
Except for the resent actions that you all have thrust on to us whether we want it or not. Wether we agree or not. Even when we vote NO on issues. You do as you think best.
Mr. Potter, you actively and knowingly breaking the law. You are adding and abetting illegal immigrants. It has been proven within last few days that the Day labor center is helping criminals get work here. Mr. Nine Different Names is proof that this center is not only illegal but that they are harboring violent criminals. And you Mr. Potter and the rest of your counsel members. Are supporting this activity.
I , Scott, a native of Portland and of Oregon. DEMAND! That you cease and desist this illegal action you are have supported. I DEMAND!! That you stop using my hard earned tax dollars on this illegal activity.
You have forced us all to be a party in this illegal activity! I DEMAND THAT YOU STOP NOW!

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